vendredi 5 juin 2009

i try to write translation in english but it's not easy for me

Do you cray o friend at the crack of dawn because of your loneliness. but you know that for the union, it is necessary to be two, me + you = us and more. Then strange is the first syllable of your name and your dreams of dove frighten. You know now more than ever, that without the woman the man is just like a rock on which come to break spaces...... woman your wish is strong and mighty and the animal who is close to your feet loses reason. As said Sosei Oyama, a man is not made to be alone.
Are You lost on a road oh the friend! edged by his tropical forest, in the middle of nowhere in seven leagues of Manong. it's twelve o'clock, the sun is in the zenit and the demon on its tail. what stays of the man that you were is in conference with his future and at this instant, you are only a survivor, one roll on a long list of wait. low instinct is in work and morale beats of the wing. And since the other camp put some water in its wine, you greet in him a certain return to reason by mocking you of you even. poor too human human being that you are, finally full of love to whom knows how to take you...And you don't have residence where to remove your tiredness...
... it is warm, you are, they cannot any more alone. the mechanics which transports you suffers and it up to the sinews which support the structure which carries you, more and more far... You have the chance to refresh your patience in the clarity of a benevolent river, to parry in the dictatorship of a fanatical wish, under a torrid warmth which returns you in the challenges of your demons...